Smart Streets and Roads
Intelligent street lighting for the city
Our team developed a software-hardware package for wireless control of industrial lighting. The hardware part consists of three devices: a controller, a multi-sensor, and a coordinator.
Smart City
Wireless control of street lighting
Smart Street Light
The Control-R wireless module is integrated into the lighting fixture
LED lights managed by Control-R can easily be used for illuminating city streets, parks,
parking lots, and territories surrounding businesses, warehouses, etc.
The combination of Control-R technology and MESH topology lets you organize a wireless network with virtually unlimited number of smart lamps. It enables you to remotely control highway lighting within the range of 100 km or even more. And this does not even require any additional expenses for cabling or control cabinets.

With the help of light detectors and motion sensors, the system is able to not only switch the street lights on/off on a certain schedule or at a predetermined time of day (based on the astronomical clock), but also dynamically set the required luminance level in automatic mode, depending on the traffic intensity and the amount of sunlight throughout the day.
smart street lighting
Each street light is being monitored 24 hours a day with no requirement for control cabinets, GPS, or Internet
The graphical user interface shows each lamp's physical status, including failure, and the metering of electricity consumption. Manual remote control is possible directly from the server, avoiding cloud services or any technical "intermediaries".
Models of smart street lights from our partners
Each of the lighting fixtures has an integrated Control-R module
Methods of saving on electric lighting
The software-hardware complex lets you implement the most popular methods of energy saving

Smart industrial LED lamp with
integrated wireless controller
Advantages compared to regular industrial LED lamp
The lamp and the wireless controller are both covered with a 5-year warranty. The basic software is offered on the basis of a free lifetime license.
You get additional savings on electricity of up to 85%, as well as up to 90% on installation works.
Now you know exactly how much electricity each lamp consumes and can pinpoint its location in case of failure.
Now you can manage all lights remotely, group individual lamps together, control the luminance, and create any work schedules.
The created wireless network for lighting control can operate without cellular networks or the Internet, using the MESH or STAR topology.
The system operates on the frequency 868,8 MHz, does not require licensing, and uses our proprietary encrypted data exchange protocol.

learn about the areas where the Control-R wireless module can be used
Learn more about us and our other projects

Intelligent idustrial lighting

Intelligent street lighting

Creating artificial "day" and "night" effects; saving electricity

Predictive analysis of equipment's physical status

RFID Tags for utility personnel

Digital sensors for agricultural equipment and organic soil control

Remote management of environmental pollution levels

System of predictive monitoring of forest fires

Remote calculations of fluid volumes and pipelines; control of changes in utility systems' physical status

Health sensors and location tracking

Software for connecting equipment to popular management and control systems

The Control-R team believes in the future of wireless technology and develops solutions for home and business

Control lighting, security alarm, and heating/cooling

Venture and private investments

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